As announced yesterday : here are the details on the end-of-course test, to be held on the last session in the BrandPalace Marketing program.
This is the deal :
- Hans Cools will present a business case on “HaCo”, a fully independent and local company that is active on the market of fruit juices. Founded in 1903, Haco produces and commercialises its own products under two different brands, HaCo and CoHa. HaCo is merely used for Orange Juice and for some other mono flavour juices. CoHa on the contrary is a specialist brand for special, more exotic mono flavour juices and for mixed flavour juices.
- The third generation owner of HaCo has seen his company’s market share eroding over the last ten years, loosing market leadership to his international competitor who is selling his products under brand A. He has asked you as independent strategy and marketing consultants to help him out with his marketing strategy for the coming years.
- You will be HaCo’s consultants. But as such, you will neither be on your own – nor will you stand alone … What we’re asking is that you organise into 4 groups, each group being a consultancy company. The 4 groups will be competing for the assignment of the HaCo company.
- HaCo has a number of questions for you to reflect upon. As a happy coincidence, you just finished a comprehensive, state-of-the art course cycle on the issues raised in these questions.
- Each consultancy group will be able to make a presentation to the HaCo Board of Directors.
The rules :
- Start your group – your consultancy firm !* – as from today. You are free to choose your partners as you like. We need 4 groups.
- All groups prepare a recommendation on a number of strategic questions, referring to all the important areas covered by our BrandPalace speakers.
- Questions will be given by Hans, at the end of his business case presentation.
- You are allowed to use the syllabus.
- Each group prepares a brief slide-presentation (so please remember to bring at least one laptop-computer per group).
- You have 90 minutes to discuss and prepare.
- Groups are allowed a 15-minute presentation (Q&A included) to a professional jury, acting as the Board of Haco. Your aim is to convince the board that your approach is strong enough to resolve the marketing issues at hand.
- If your group succeeds in doing so, all members of your consultancy group will be granted a final BrandPalace Diploma.
What if you will not be able to be present at the session of May 19th ?
- You will have to be a ‘group’ of your own.
- The business case and questions will be emailed to you right after the session of May 12th.
- Your recommendation note has to be emailed to us on the 19th at the latest.
- We will send your diploma by ordinary mail.
*: Why not brand your firm ? Give it a name and start making rumour around it ? After all, a well known firm has a better chance in these competitive times, isn't it ? Remember the saying : "nobody has ever been fired for hiring IBM"...
A quote, reflecting on yesterday's topic :
"Market research can establish beyond the shadow of a doubt that the
egg is a sad and sorry product and that it obviously will not continue
to sell. Because after all, eggs won't stand up by themselves, they
roll too easily, are too easily broken, require special packaging, look
alike, are difficult to open, won't stack on the shelf."
Robert Pliskin
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